The more options we have the less likely we are to chose any of them. This statement has been particularly true for me in getting my own own business to embrace new opportunities from the online world. Now 12 months into that journey I thought it would be useful to share my learnings.
1. Just do something, there is no perfect solution, your learnings will be invaluable regardless.
2. Two steps forward, one step back is still moving forward.
3. Invest in binoculars. The world as we know it is being fundamentally changed by the net (mostly from overseas by people half my age). The broadband internet and smartphones is bringing that world here, mostly from overseas.
4. Failing fast, failing cheap is so easy.
5. Awesome stuff is free, even more awesome stuff is ridiculously cheap.
6. Where is all the Aussie innovation?
7. Joomla looks and feels like the more solid platform, and it’s great. I prefer WordPress because its going places faster. Think Microsoft vs Google.
8. Once you cut through the noise, there are gems to found via web analytics.
9. Maturity about online security will take time. Accept that you will need a doctor.
So what’s the next online thing that will affect your world?